Footer Layouts

footer 1 - basic

Footer [ 1 ] - Basic

Components: Primary menu, social icons, copyright, logo
Use Cases: Sites with basic footer needs.

footer 4 - official

Footer [ 4 ] - Official

Components: Primary menu, social icons, copyright, logo, logo grid/carousel module for displaying linked image badges in footer
Use Cases: Sites that require license numbers/badges in the footer.

footer 2 - info

Footer [ 2 ] - Informational

Components: Primary menu, secondary menu, social icons, copyright, logo, post categories, recent posts, subscribe form module for newsletter
Use Cases: Informational sites with a blog/post type-based structure that want to incorporate email marketing.

footer 3 - retail

Footer [ 3 ] - Retail

Components: Primary site menu, secondary store menu with cart, social icons, copyright, logo, product categories, subscribe form module for leads
Use Cases: Retail sites with a shop/product-based structure that want to incorporate email marketing.