
Plan Type

What plan are you consulting to today?


Starter Site


Standard WP


Premium WP




The Basics

About You | About Your Company | Business Contact Information

About You & Your Company

Brief Description:
This should be a very short description of the site, around 320 characters or less, that summarizes your business. What would you want to see in the search results if you searched for your business online?

What is your mission/vision?:
A simple sentence stating the main goal of the company. Why you do what you do and what are you trying to accomplish.
For example: "Our company aims to _____ which improves _____ for our customers."

Local Areas You Serve:
Recognizable cities/towns that are within the local range of your services. If you're an online store, mention the areas you ship to. If you're not sure, if you have no specific areas, or if it simply doesn't apply, leave it blank.

What sets you apart from your competition?
Why should customers pick you over someone else in the same industry? What makes you stand out? This is important to put somewhere immediate on the site that catches a visitor's attention if they were skimming through businesses in the same category.



Logo | Color Scheme | Choosing Fonts


If you have a logo: 
Provide us with the high quality logo image in .png, .jpg, .pdf, .psd, .ai or .eps format.
If it's a low quality image logo, and if it has a white background that we cannot easily remove, then it will affect how it looks on the header you choose. If your logo image is too small for us to correctly remove the background from, and you are looking for a transparent/translucent header type, maybe we could use your business name in text for now and you can have us update the logo when you get one.

If you don't have a logo: 
If you don't have a logo yet and are looking to have one made, we offer a logo design service and we can point you in that direction. Until then, we can use your business name text in place of the logo image.


Use this information when you are talking to your customers about what colors are appropriate for the look/feel they are going for:


The below is a description of the type of fonts designers will be choosing from to make up the font style.

Title Font:

Body Font(s):

Body Font(s):

Title Font:

Title Font:

Body Font(s):

Title Font:


Site Elements

Header Style | Hero Style | Footer Style

Header Style

Non-Starter sites only: Starter site does not include a header

Header Option 1

Header Option 1

Simple header layout, menu floated right – ideal for menus shorter in length with about maximum 5 single-word navigation links –Features: tagline, social icons, logo image/site title, menu

Header Option 2

Header Option 2

Simple header layout, menu stacked – better layout for menus with more than 5 navigation links, or for when navigation links are several characters long – Features: logo image/site title, tagline, menu, social icons

Header Option 3

Header Option 3

Content header layout, menu stacked – best for sites that require contact info or a call-to-action on all pages – Features: logo image/site title, tagline, contact info/custom call-to-action, menu, social icons

Header Option 4

Header Option 4

Minimalist header layout, menu floated right – best for sites that want very simple headers with no additional content in them and have less than 5 single-word links – Features: logo image/site title, menu

Header Option 5

Header Option 5

Minimalist header layout, menu floated right – best for sites that want very simple headers with no additional content in them and have less than 5 single-word links – Features: logo image/site title, menu

Header Option 6

Header Option 6

Content header layout, menu stacked at top of page – best for headers that require contact info or a call-to-action – Features: logo image/site title, contact info/custom call-to-action, menu, social icons 

Header Option 7

Header Option 7

Simple header split layout – best for sites with larger/vertical logos, minimal header content, and an even number of single-word navigation links (no more than 3 links on either side) – Features: logo image/site title, tagline, social icons, menu  

Header Option 8

Header Option 8

Hero header layout – best for when you wish to place the navigation below the hero image, or if you want the hero image to be consistent on all pages – Features: logo image/site title, tagline, social icons, menu, hero image background   

Help Me Choose a Header:

  • Depending on the logo & color scheme, headers can range from transparent to translucent if set to overlay the hero image
  • Options for sticky nav: available for all headers except Header Option 8
  • Best option for large (vertical) logo: Headers Options 5 & 7
  • Requires a logo to look good: Header Option 7
  • Looks best with fixed width hero: Header Option 2

Hero Style

Hero Placement:

  • "Start Above Navigation" means the header (being completely transparent OR translucent) overlays the hero image
    -- the hero starts at the very top of the screen behind the header.
  • "Start Below Navigation" means the header is set to a solid color and the hero image begins where the header ends.

*Hero on all header options can be Full Width or Content (Fixed) Width - but fixed width won't look good on headers that overlay the hero. 

Footer Style

Which footer style do you prefer?

FooterOption1 - Simple


This footer layout is best for a simple clean footer section with minimal content Features: Logo image/site Name, brief contact info, social icons, simple menu

FooterOption2 - Contact_Map

Contact & Map

Best for sites that want to emphasize their contact info, location, and display a short description on all pages. – Features: Google map, menu, contact info, text, social icons

FooterOption3 - Call_to_Action


This footer layout is great for sites that would like a custom message along with a call-to-action button displayed at the bottom of all pages. It also features the ability to sign-up for a mailing list, but this row can be removed if necessary – Features: Mailing list subscribe form, simple menu, contact info, social icons, custom call-to-action text and linked button

FooterOption4 - Blog_Oriented

Blog Oriented

This footer layout is designed to work best with sites that are majorly blog post focusedFeatures: Simple menu, contact info, recent posts widget, mailing list subscribe form, social icons (these widgets, menus, links and text items can all be switched out for other things as needed)



Content Worksheets | Stock Images & Videos | Additional Features


PWS Video Gallery


PWS Photo Gallery


External Videos

Help Me Choose a Header:

  • Depending on the logo & color scheme, headers can range from transparent to translucent if set to overlay the hero image
  • Options for sticky nav: available for all headers except Header Option 8
  • Best option for large (vertical) logo: Headers Options 5 & 7
  • Requires a logo to look good: Header Option 7
  • Looks best with fixed width hero: Header Option 2

Additional Features

When filling out the worksheet you can recommend for builders to use features or page templates that are found on:
**DO NOT Send customers to these sites or share screen with standard customers


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